Are you overweight or obese and suffering from type 2 diabetes? Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet or workout plan out there, and you’re still struggling to shed the pounds? For effective, lasting weight loss and improve weight-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, the Mini-Gastric Bypass might be your best solution.
Obesity and Diabetes in Kenya
Obesity and diabetes are two progressive, chronic diseases that often go hand in hand. If you carry excess weight or are obese, which is characterized by having an excess amount of body fat, or a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes affects how sensitive your body is to insulin, a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
Unlike people with type 1 diabetes who cannot produce insulin and are insulin-dependent for life, people with type 2 diabetes have lost the sensitivity to the insulin they produce due to resistance from fat cells. Once individuals have had type II diabetes for more than 5 – 7 years they may suffer from reduced production of insulin in the pancreas as well. There are about 11 million Kenyans living with diabetes, mostly the type 2 form, with an estimated 80 to 90 percent of these individuals being overweight or obese[i]. If left untreated or not managed effectively, diabetes can lead to fatal complications.
What is the Mini Gastric Bypass?
The Mini Gastric Bypass has proven to be an effective way for overweight and obese people to lose weight and often puts type 2 diabetes into remission.
Simple, safe, and effective, the procedure works by reducing the size of your stomach by creating a smaller “pouch” of the stomach that is separated from the rest of the stomach. As you eat, the small pouch of the stomach fills and sends signals to the brain that you feel satisfied and comfortable with smaller portions of food.
The stomach pouch is reconnected to bypass approximately 1/3 of your small intestine. This reduces food and calorie absorption from the food that is ingested. This combination of effects allows patients to feel fuller, faster, and reduces the absorption of calories and enables you to go longer without food or snacks between meals.
Is the Mini Gastric Bypass a Cure for Diabetes?
After a Mini Gastric Bypass, patients typically see a significant reduction in the medications needed for type 2 diabetes, or even remission (no medications) of type 2 diabetes within the first few weeks or months of surgery. Often this happens even before there is significant weight loss.
One reason for this, according to DR YUSUF PALKHI, is because there is no food passing through the first part of the small bowel also known as the duodenum. Immediately following surgery, the body begins to respond quickly by changing several hormone levels that result in enhancing the metabolic response and creating a mimic effect of insulin.
Weight Loss Surgery For Your Health
Weight Loss Solutions in Kenya
Kenya Laparoscopic Surgery Services Center is the only clinic in Kenya to offer the mini-gastric bypass and three other types of weight-loss procedures, including revision surgery. Speak to one of our patient advisors today to learn more about the mini-gastric bypass. Call 0738 775 083 / 0722 411 823 or email today to get started.
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