Post-Menopausal complications
Improving the quality of life for women
Postmenopausal Complications

Going through menopause marks a major change in a woman’s life and one must remember that it is a normal physiological process as we age.
Kenya Laparoscopic Surgery Services (KLASS) offers compassionate, confidential, and individualized attention for women who want to ensure they have the best health possible throughout menopause and perimenopause.
Top-rated gynecology surgeon, Prof. Rafique Parkar helps women who experience post-menopausal complications such as irregular bleeding and incontinence.
Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you live a better quality of life.
What is Menopause?
Menopause is a normal physiological event marking the end of egg production in the ovaries.
It is a natural biological process that indicates the end of fertility and menstruation.
When your body stops producing eggs, your estrogen level falls significantly, which can affect many of your bodily functions.
The average age for the final menstrual period is 51.5 year although we are now seeing women attaining Menopause as early as 40 years of age.
Early menopause can also occur for several other reasons, including surgery to remove ovaries, certain breast cancer treatments, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or by an underlying medical condition, such as Down’s Syndrome.

Menopause Symptoms
Where menopausal symptoms are particularly bothersome and are affecting your daily quality of life, it is a good idea to seek medical advice to discuss the types of treatment options available.
While some women find relief in knowing that they no longer need to worry about getting pregnant, the physical and emotional symptoms that accompany perimenopause (the years leading up to menopause) and menopause itself, can be unpleasant, and may include:
- Changes in mood.
- Hot flashes.
- Insomnia.
- Slowing metabolism and weight gain.
- Reduction in breast fullness.
- Vaginal dryness, loss of libido.
- Dry skin and thinning hair.
- Problems with memory and concentration.
We hope to walk with you throughout your journey and help you find comfort and relief.
If you have any questions or concerns that have not been discussed, feel free to contact our office. Should you prefer to book your appointment online, simply click the “Book Appointment Online Button” and simply book yourself in.
We would be happy to help you learn more about postmenopausal complications and what to expect in this new stage of life.

Over time, menopause can place women at a higher risk of developing certain medical conditions:
- Osteoporosis: A condition of having weak, brittle bones that are highly susceptible to fracture. Within the first few years of the onset of menopause, women rapidly lose bone density, which puts them at a heightened risk of developing osteoporosis. Bone density scans can help to screen for this disease, and proper calcium supplementation can help to stave off osteoporosis.
- Cardiovascular Disease: As estrogen levels decline with age, a woman’s chances of developing heart and blood vessel disease increase—your doctor can advise you as to how best to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels in order to decrease your risk of heart disease.
- Urinary Incontinence: During menopause, the elasticity of the urethra and vaginal tissues decreases, and may lead to the involuntary loss of urine (incontinence). Kegel exercises can help to ameliorate this condition by strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. Menopausal women are also predisposed to developing more frequent urinary tract infections.
- Post – menopausal bleeding: Bleeding after menopause is usually a sign of a minor health problem but can sometimes be an early sign of more serious disease. When detected early, most conditions causing bleeding after menopause (including cancer) can be successfully treated.

What causes postmenopausal bleeding?
Most of the time, it is caused by :
- Inflammation and thinning of the lining of your vagina (called atrophic vaginitis).
- Growths in the cervix or uterus (called polyps) which are usually not cancerous.
- Thickened endometrium (endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy) often because of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
- Abnormalities in the cervix or uterus.
Some treatments for postmenopausal bleeding include :
- The cervical/endometrial polyps may need to be removed by hysteroscopy
- Thickening of the endometrium is usually treated with medications that work like the hormone progesterone and/or surgery to remove the thickening.
- Hormone medicine (tablets or an intrauterine system, IUS) or a total laparoscopic hysterectomy (surgery to remove your uterus, cervix, and ovaries) may be used as treatment.

Menopause Treatment Options at KLASS
To efficiently manage symptoms of postmenopausal complications, it is important to schedule regular preventive appointments with your healthcare professional, and to stay up-to-date with recommended screenings such as mammography,pap smears, thyroid function tests, colonoscopy, lipid screening profiles, cardiac evaluation,bone density and pelvic exams.
KLASS, has helped countless patients navigate the transition through menopause, and will take the time to clearly and comprehensively discuss your treatment options for the optimal management of your menopause symptoms.
Treatments to address postmenopausal complications may include:
- Hormone therapy to supplement estrogen and progestin can help to increase bone density and relieve hot flashes( pills, patches, injectables).
- Vaginal estrogen (administered via tablet, ring, or cream) to relieve vaginal dryness.
- Low-dose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants or Gabapentin (Neurontin) may help with mood and to decrease the severity of hot flashes.
- Medications to treat or prevent osteoporosis by reducing bone loss.
- Lifestyle changes such as relaxation techniques, regular exercise, a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and, kegel exercises.
- Alternative treatments include hormone replacement therapy and yoga.

Postmenopausal Complications Treatment with Prof. Rafique Parkar
Top level expertise for you
Prof. Rafique Parkar pioneered Minimal Access Surgery in Africa 25 years ago and operates at the highest level of expertise in Africa. ( Level VI )
He is committed to improving the lifestyles of women in Kenya and the world by helping them gain access to top-level minimal access surgery in Africa.
He strongly believes that all women have the right to informed consent and should have access to the best treatment plans suited for them and that is the reason why he founded KLASS ( Kenya Laparoscopic Surgery Services ).
Together with his team at KLASS, they provide the highest level of holistic surgical care to women, ensuring that they meet their individual health needs.
Prof. Rafique Parkar specializes in helping women who ail from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Floor Problems, Ectopic Pregnancies, and Gynecologic Cancers.
Our Affiliations
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